Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Creative exhaustion

well as far back as I can remember, I have always had something to write about, an opinion about everything, an idea (whether good or bad, only time would tell) for every problem that surfaced...Well going about being the usual knowitall, willpokehernose into everything, sort of person. Only now for the very first time in life have I gone without being me....for the longest period. I mean there were always those stretches of time where I was as lost as a frog without webbed toes would be, but this time around it has lasted for a bewildering span....

And the more I think about it, the more the old me evades my outstretched hands....It really bothers me that these days I have morphed into some sort of a zombie, caught up with things that kill any spark there is of life.

1 comment:

abeer said...

'as lost as a frog without webbed toes'????? where do you get such analogies from, o great miss knowitall?? As a Shakespearean character once said,"In sooth, your mind is upon the ocean, there where your argosies lie..." (*refer Gem Guide to Merchant of Venice to further understand the finer nuances of the above mentioned quote.)