Friday, December 19, 2008

bubble wrap (BrE) (NAmE 'Bubble Wrap TM) noun [U] a sheet of plastic which has lots of small raised parts filled with air, used for protecting things that are being carried or sent by post/mail

©Oxford University Press, 2005.

can you bubble wrap me, please?
of course i wont be sent through mail, but i need it. i am rushing off at breakneck speed. through life. it is passing me by. i feel like a spectator looking in from the outside. a strange sort of disconnect. i care very much that i don't care anymore. maybe this is the beginning.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Am floating. Yet again. In my own thought bubble, a thoughtless bubble actually. I am blank. I think this is what hitting a nadir is like. Putting down this thought helps.

And the thought that things can only begin to look up after this. But then some wise guy will say, there's always horizontal motion, that won't get you anywhere. Ha! Well I can't help it. I was born an optimist and education has yet to make a complete cynic of me. I still believe in the power of good thoughts. Of things getting better. Of the law of averages. And most importantly, the power of retribution.