Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Change. Am grappling with the 6-letter word. On so many levels. When 'they', whoever they are say that change is good, and that human beings always resist change and that change is the only constant...are they actually listening to what they are saying?

Okay, some change may be good..but how can you make a general sweeping statement like that about something so personal. I may be a wonderful person, totally equipped to handle everything that life throws at me, an eternal optimist even, but why should I be expected to happily cruise down a road I've never travelled before. Maybe you had fun, doesn't mean I will too.

All my life, I have been a rebel of sorts. I guess that what happens when you have tough parents who are also intelligent. Every move you wanna make contrary to their motives has to be well thought through. But I truly believe, not all my fights were pointless, not all my opinions against theirs were biased. Nope, I just see things differently most times.

I hate being backed into a corner. I have been at times. I haven't always won. Sometimes I've had to eat humble pie, but if there's one thing I know I have done - given it a tough fight. Knowing that is important to me.