Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Pride and Prejudice

My favourite book!All time!
But if I tell my guy to read it..he phoo phoos his way out of it.
Now since I love this book so much, I really have to defend it..and I mean HAVE to!
Guys label this classic as a "chick book" and go through life missing out on one absolutely worth-reading-at-least-twice kind of a book.
The story open with a refreshing line: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
And you know what? most people put it down at this point, thinking this isn't worth my time.....But really, thats where they go wrong, read on my friends, and if you find yourself toiling to grasp the essence of the first chapter, please labour on until you reach the next...By then the story gets your attention, and if you are the sorts who has to finish what they started, well, you'd be glad you started reading the book.
Classics on the whole are looked down upon by our generation, so called new age books take up most of our reading space, if we do read at all that is. But Pride and Prejudice besides being having an entertaining plot, explores the human psyche in an interesting way. Through the character of Lizzy, it probes into the mind of a mortal...a person with desires, wants and yes evil thoughts..And through the book there are phases when you identify with the character. It's the little things in life that add up to the big ones..the feeling you get is if some things could be clarified right at the start, if prejudices did not fog our thinking...a lot of pain can be averted..
But you know what, as I write this, I feel I really don't need to defend this masterpiece of fiction...if only I have attempted to do so, it is a feeble one..I really can't do justice to my favourite book...really my best argument boils down to :If nothing else... it gives you a glimpse into a woman's mind! And trust me it isn't always pretty.